Monday, August 1, 2011

Summer University of Palestine

Summer University of Palestine, American University of Beirut,
Beirut Lebanon, July 23 - 30

Wow! What an
incredible experience! Great dialogue on important issues for the campaign to end seige of Gaza and the occupation of Palestine. Got to meet some of the leaders and activists in the movement and learn from the intellectuals and scholars in the field of the Palestinian cause. Major topic for discussion was the resistance movement and the role of boycott, divestment and sanctions against the apartheid state of Israel. I took our University of Colorado divestment petition to the conference and collected another 50 signatures!

Beirut is beautiful -- recovered from years of civil war and Israel's invasions and occupations. This is the "Corniche" West Beirut a drive along the Mediterranean.

George Galloway (center) delivered key note, Ronnie Kasrils (left), and Salma
Yaqoob on opening panel discussion.

Dr. Ghada Karmi, Exeter University, London, and author of Married to Another Man, spoke on Al Quds and vanishing Jerusalem.

Professor Rabab El-Mahdi from the American University of Cairo and co-editor of Egypt, The Moment of Change

Evening view of Mohammed Al-Amin Mosque, downtown Beirut

15 May Memorial where 6 Plestinian activists were killed by Israeli soldiers firing into crowds of demonstrators at the border with Lebanon -- pressing for the Right of Return.

Dr. Karma Nabulsi, Oxford University and author of Traditions of War provided intelectual and legal underpinning for Right of Return and one-state solution. Kevin Ovenden (left) organizer of SUP.

Sabra and Chatilla Massacre Memorial in South Beirut, refugee camps where 3000 women and children and civilians were killed during Israel's invasion of Beirut 1982.

Abdullah Abdulla, Palestinain Authority representative in Lebanon spoke abou
t the Unity Accord with Hamas.

Ronnie Kasrils, Freedom Fighter against Apartheid and Minister for the Intelligence Services in the South African government 2004 to 2008

Osama Hamdan, Hamas representative in Lebanon, spoke on the Palestinian Resistance and the way forward.

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