Thursday, February 17, 2011

CU - Board of Regents

TO: Steve Bosley
Chair, Board of Regents

FROM: Michael Rabb
CU Alum (MS Telecom, 1983), 2002 18th Street, Boulder CO 80302

DATE: February 22, 2011

SUBJECT: Divestment of stock in companies that support Israel’s apartheid policies against Palestinians

I. REQUEST FOR ACTION BY THE BOARD OF REGENTS, adopt the following resolution:

WHEREAS the Arabs in Palestine continue to suffer under Israel’s illegal and immoral regime of military occupation, colonization and apartheid, and

WHEREAS, the University of Colorado has a proud tradition of non-discrimination and commitment to human rights, and

WHEREAS it is a guiding principle of Board of Regents of the University of Colorado to promote and uphold the principles of ethics, integrity, transparency, and accountability, and

WHEREAS it is a guiding principle of the Board of Regents of the University of Colorado to be conscientious stewards of the university’s financial resources, and

WHEREAS the University of Colorado invests about $1.7 billion, through its various funds, endowments, gifts, development and pension funds, in institutional, corporate and business entities, and

WHEREAS there is serious concern among the University community that the current investments held by the University of Colorado may violate the University’s commitment to human rights and social justice, and some of these investments directly and indirectly support the apartheid policies of Israel,

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the University of Colorado abhors apartheid and will do all it can to show its position on apartheid within its business practices by ending its investments in the ongoing oppression of the Palestinian people, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that The Board of Regents of the University of Colorado, immediately commission an examination of its investments including all funds, endowments and pension funds with an objective of identifying investments in companies, institutions and investment funds that directly and indirectly support Israel’s apartheid policies, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Regents of University of Colorado commit to act on the recommendations of such a study to divest of its holdings in such companies and funds as soon as possible.

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